AARC is excited to support scholars investigating questions related to higher education, research administration, and scientometrics. Available data elements are described here, including rosters of faculty members and their journal articles, books, chapters, conference proceedings, patents, clinical trials, grants, and honorific awards. Access to our data is highly competitive; we receive many more applications than we can support. Our staff and team of senior academic advisors will consider your application and, if approved, advise on the next steps to procure access. If approved, data access is provided at no cost. We ask that all scholars using our data publish in open access journals and make their data available openly (with due precautions to anonymize individual’s names, and in keeping with your institution’s IRB protocols). If you have a project of broad interest to the research community that you believe would benefit from access to the Academic Analytics dataset, please see below to apply for access to our data.
For all other inquiries, please send us a message through our Contact page.
Please download the research request form. Answer all of the questions in a separate document, then upload below.