Amidst talk of a cratering academic job market in recent years, the number of Assistant Professors at American research universities has grown over the last decade – but this growth is not even across disciplines. Peter Lange and Anthony Olejniczak wrote about these trends earlier this year (, showing that STEM and professional areas are growing the faculty population, while the humanities, social sciences, and education showed a flat trend or even a decline in the number of assistant professors. Meanwhile, debate continues about the scholarly activity of senior faculty against the backdrop of increasingly delayed retirements and the “graying” of the university. Please join AARC researchers, Bill Savage and Anthony Olejniczak, and Senior Advisor, Peter Lange as they share their explorations into these demographic trends using the Academic Analytics longitudinal dataset covering more than a decade of faculty rosters. Hiring patterns for new professors and the number and scholarship of senior scholars have both evolved, and we look forward to your thoughts on the patterns and changes, and how they impact university research and policies.