Academic Analytics RecentResearch Center

Academic Analytics Research Center

Academic Analytics Research Center (AARC) is committed to creating reproducible and open scholarship covering all aspects of the scholarly research enterprise. Our goal is to empower research administrative leaders as they improve academic research policy, management, and equity through independent, data-based inquiry.


About AARC

AARC is an independent research unit within Academic Analytics, LLC. We are scholars who seek to produce original, open, and timely research in collaboration with colleagues from across the globe.

Discipline Data Viewer

Following our release of data on the rhythm of scholarly publication across disciplines (, AARC has compiled and visualized discipline-level data for use by higher education scholars and administrators. See our data views to learn about demographics (age distribution, professorial rank, and gender) in more than 130 disciplines, including information about publication rates and venues, grant funding, and honorific awards.

Academic Analytics Research Center



Scholarly Research Activity in US Mathematics Departments



Tenure and Research Trajectories in the US