Here, we highlight the scholarly activity of faculty in Chemistry departments at Ph.D. granting universities in the US. The Academic Analytics database from which these data derive contains scholarly activity data describing 6,067 faculty members in 328 Chemistry departments at 322 universities (database version AAD2023-2658).
The Academic Analytics database is made available to scholars seeking to use our data in their research via competitive application through the Academic Analytics Research Center (AARC). If you are interested in using these data in your project, please apply on our website:
See previous research projects we have supported here:
To cite the data in this blog post, please reference this publication:
Olejniczak AJ, Savage WE, Wheeler R. 2022. The Rhythms of Scholarly Publication: Suggestions to Enhance Bibliometric Comparisons Across Disciplines. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 7:812312. DOI 10.3389/frma.2022.812312
1. Chemistry Faculty Profile
1.a. Discipline population by year of terminal degree: distribution of faculty at US Ph.D. granting universities in departments of Chemistry based on their year of terminal degree.
1.b. Faculty by professorial rank and gender: Chemistry department faculty population at US Ph.D. granting universities by their professorial rank and gender.
1.c. Mean and median academic age: mean and median “academic age” (number of years since terminal degree) for assistant professors, associate professors, and professors in departments of Chemistry at US Ph.D. granting institutions.
2. Chemistry Journal Article Profile
2.a. Total articles per year: the total number of journal articles authored by Chemistry department faculty at US Ph.D. granting universities each year from 2019 to 2023.
2.b. Mean and median authorships by professorial rank over five years: mean and median number of journal article authorships by assistant professors, associate professors, and professors in Chemistry departments at US Ph.D. granting universities over five years.
2.c. Ten journals with the most articles over five years: the ten journals with the greatest number of articles for the past five years published by faculty members in departments of Chemistry at US Ph.D. granting universities.
3. Chemistry Federal Research Grants Profile
3.a. Total federal research grants per year: the total number of federal research grants won by Chemistry department faculty at US Ph.D. granting universities each year from 2019 to 2023.
3.b. Total grants awarded by federal agency over five years: total number of federal research grants won by Chemistry department faculty at US Ph.D. granting universities by each federal agency over the past five years.
4. Chemistry Honorific Awards Profile
4.a. Total honorific awards per year: total number of honorific awards won by Chemistry department faculty at US Ph.D. granting universities each year from 2010 to 2023.
4.b. Ten most common award-bestowing bodies over ten years: the ten organizations most frequently bestowing awards to Chemistry department scholars at US Ph.D. granting universities for the past 10 years.
The Academic Analytics database is made available to scholars seeking to use our data in their research via competitive application through the Academic Analytics Research Center (AARC). If you are interested in using these data in your project, please apply on our website:
See previous research projects we have supported here:
To cite the data in this blog post, please reference this publication:
Olejniczak AJ, Savage WE, Wheeler R. 2022. The Rhythms of Scholarly Publication: Suggestions to Enhance Bibliometric Comparisons Across Disciplines. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 7:812312. DOI 10.3389/frma.2022.812312